Monday, August 20, 2012

The blog list.

I'm sorry my post was so short yesterday, we had a working bee in our front garden and I had little time to post as were we doing some serious gardening, and paving etc. I am so sore today, surprisingly only on the left side, very weird. Even though I'm tired, I have to say it was a fantastic weekend and meeting you all was very rewarding.

I took a few minutes to look around at the meeting when we were at Time Out, and what struck me the most was all the smiling, the laughing, chatting and the wine in some people's cases. You know who you are. :)

I'm so glad that Rachel took the opportunity to organise the meet up. I had a fabulous time and I hope you did to! I'm also glad that Kirsty, Christy and Rachel came all the way to the meet up, what dedication! I'm toying with the idea of going to Sydney, but we'll see what happens...

One more thing ladies, regarding the bill well done! We almost had exact change, it goes to show, sewers are honest people, except for telling our partners how much the fabric costs.

Here is the list for the people who want it, feel free to share and blog. I've included hyperlinks on the blog name but just in case it doesn't work, I've listed the address too.
Kat (me) All the whimsical things
Robyn: Sew love red
Rachel: Boo dog and me
Rachel: My messings
Kirsty: Rocket Sews
Leith: Sew Brunswick
Lara: Thornberry
Melanie: PoppyKettle
Helen: Funkbunnys kitchen garden
Christy Little Betty
Rachel: The two windmills
Sarah: Sewsquirrell
Kirsty: Rocketsews
Tj: The perfect nose
Belle: Bella's Collectanea of Sewing

Fabulous ladies who are blog-less.
Sue A

Please let me know if I've left anyone out.

Also if anyone wants to meet up sooner rather than later, I'm happy to meet in any areas of Melbourne, feel free to drop me a line at

Thanks for reading.



  1. haha! I didn't realise you took a photo of the money! Fantastic!!!

  2. I take a photo of almost everything. Ha

  3. Thanks for the list of blogs - although I could not get to Melbourne I have some more Aussie blogs in my list. I would make it to Sydney!

  4. And I would make it to a Brisbane Meet-up! Just great to see so many Aussie sewers getting together....I am your latest follower. Off to have a peek around your blog...

  5. Stellar, thanks for doing the blog list :)

  6. Hey Kat, Can you please send me through your email address so I can email you about the social sewing? mine is maiestia at gmail dot com. Thanks!
