
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wishing and waiting.

I'm still here waiting.

I have been waiting what feels like a lifetime, for Ginger to come out.

I gave him his notice to vacate around 36 weeks.

I have had quite a few serious chats about him coming out.

It must be nice in there, tight, warm and comforting as I have had no response, not even an acknowledgment.

We had hoped that he would be here by the 30th of April, but alas it was not to be.

His due date was the 3rd, which I knew wouldn't happen, he would either be here early like his daddy or late like his mummy, but not on time!

I spend my days wondering.... what he looks like, what personality he'll have, if he will be a Ginger! I desperately want a child with red hair.

I spend my nights, awake. I now average about 5 hours of sleep but never before 3am.

We can't wait to meet him, so hurry up Ginger and arrive swiftly and safely.

Kat x

PS there will be a nursery tour blog post soon but I've lost my sewing/craftyjo at the moment.

PPS thank you to the lovely ladies who have sent emails to see how I'm going, you're the best!


  1. Best wishes through the waiting Kat! Mine were both late - 6 days and 11 days (induction needed) respectively. In a weird way I didn't mind the wait, but everyone asking if I'd had the baby yet got a little bit wearing! Since you'd have been happy to have given birth weeks ago, it's not wonder that you are well and truly ready to Ginger to arrive. Looking forward to reading that eventual blog post when it does happen though! Best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy and for Ginger's birth.

    1. Thanks Lara, I think the worse part is having to tell 6+ people everyday that nothing is happening. Patience was never my strong suit!!
      11 days that's so long! I'm so excited to meet him and start our lives together.

  2. Maybe summoning that missing craftyjo is what is required. Last night I was taping together the Grainline Moss skirt pattern and thinking that it would be the perfect task for bringing on a stubborn baby. I'm convinced that the time I spent on my hands and knees piecing together a quilt is what brought on my little boy. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for your comments Deborah.
      I have been doing baby things, last night was burp clothes and the start of soft toys, no sewing for myself just yet.
      The doctor advise me to kneel, so I'll give it a whirl!

  3. Good luck! It's hard waiting. I waited 12 days for my first. Instead of sewing I painted a canvas to pass time - with my mobile turned off. All the best!

    1. 12 days wow that's a long time!
      I think I need a few phone free hours in my life, not sure I could go days without it. Do you still have the canvas?
      How's Hugo doing?

  4. Best of luck to you! I've got three weeks until my due date and I'm very much ready for this little person to make his/her appearance.

    1. Thanks Evie, same to you! It's so exciting to finally meet our little people!

  5. Don't worry, Ginger will be here before you know it! I guess the hard thing is that it sounds like you've been over it for weeks - and I'm sure everyone keeps asking you if any baby yet so it's hard to get away!
    Unfortunately, I know that babies come in their own time but when they're ready, they can come in a hurry! Try and relax and not be too hard on yourself - life will of course be super crazy when he's here and you won't know yourself! Looking forward to hearing news soon, thinking of ya! :)

    1. Thanks Jacinta, it was 4am when I wrote the post, so I was well and truly over it last night. I ended up on 4 hours sleep and it wasn't the restful kind.
      I know he will be here before I know it and i'll be dreaming of a time of days with endless hours and the ability to do whatever I want!
      I'll be popping the patterns in the post this week, I'm glad I have something to get me out of the house, even if only for a little while!

  6. Enjoy these last few days of just the two of you. Go to the movies and out for a nice dinner because it might be a while before you get to again. Ginger will be here before you know it and we all can't wait to meet him!

    1. We went on a date recently, to dinner and the movies. It was lovely!
      We are spending quite a bit of time together, while we are relatively alone.
      My mother in law has offered to do date night babysitting which is so sweet.
      I can't wait for you to meet him in September!! :)

  7. Ginger... come on down!!! (Larry Enders style) And get out already!

  8. Both of mine were late - two weeks first time around and one week the second time, so I know how slowly time is passing for you now. Fingers crossed it happens soon. My son is a red head, and he gets so many lovely comments from random strangers!

  9. Thinking of you. I look forward to meeting Ginger and you some day - mine are growing very rapidly as I fill in kindy applications - sigh ;) At least I get to cuddle lots at breastfeeding meetings ;)

  10. Crossing fingers for you that he gets a wriggle on any minute now!!

    And I always wished I had red hair, maybe my mum should have taken a leaf out of your book (in reverse time?!?) and wished a bit harder :)
