
Monday, January 2, 2017

A new start

Greetings, it's been a while hasn't it? 

I fell off the blogging bandwagon when I was having a tough time with life and never really got back on board, thanks to instagram. I feel the focus has changed from blogging to instagram which is usually just one photo per make, and I for one don't find that it's that effective for me and my sewing journey.

I find myself sucked into a world of sewing via social media, looking at fabric, patterns, searching for reviews, without actually doing any sewing, and that isn't a hobby is it? In order to change that, I am going to try and limit social media time, tidy up my sewing area, and keep a project out, and do what I can with the free time I get. 

I am also going to think about what I need in my wardrobe, rather than get excited about the latest indie release that I *must* purchase. I have an excessive amount of fabric and patterns and I am not ashamed of it, in fact, I get disappointed in it when I meet someone else with a larger stash than mine! Silly but true. I am going to shop from it this year, and use the beautiful fabric I have. It's not to say I won't buy more fabric throughout the year, but I do want to wear some of the fabric instead of storing it in a box. 

So I'll be blogging again, haphazardly and mainly using this platform to record my makes as my brain is mush these days. 

Happy sewing! 

Kat x